Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Compassion for Animals

I am a Dog lover and thus realised it's high time I get back to helping the strays in whatever way I can. I used to assist my sister in helping the strays and taking care of em. My expereince so far tells me that 'mongrels' are way more intelligent and smart in comparison to good breeds. This I can't vouch for though, as it is only a personal observation.

CUPA - Compassion Unlimited Plus Action an NGO founded by Crystal Rogers for animals in October, 1991. Since it's inception CUPA has grown to be the largest and most active animal welfare organization in Bangalore.

Activities of CUPA

Large animal program
Animal Birth Control
Awareness Building

Foster parent an animal, provide newspapers, old clothes, etc and donate to CUPA.

The work done by CUPA is commendable. I would love to work as a volunteer with them and hence I've volunteered. Hope it comes through:-)...Finally somethin great to look forward to.

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